Early ChildhoodWe are a community based childcare centre in Rockhampton with decades of experience in early childhood education. Our program is flexible to meet the needs and interests of the children and to develop skills, abilities and attitudes which lay the foundations for learning. We want you to look often into our busy, happy noisy, creative rooms and see your child at play. We want you to realize the validity of play and the importance of what your child is learning. Parents and Educators together can help your child develop to their full potential. We have an open door policy at our childcare centre and we invite you to approach the educators to discuss your child’s development. | Our ApproachHome away from HomeEducation The Early Years Learning Framework describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children’s learning, from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. It also recognizes the importance of communication & language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social & emotional development. The Framework also has a strong emphasis on play-based learning, as play is the best vehicle for young children’s learning, providing the most appropriate stimulus for brain development.